Accreditations | Translation WorkZone
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Delivering highest standard of quality is at the core of our business objective. We have been audited and certified for our ISO 9001 Quality management system, ISO 27001 certification for management of information security.

ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001 is a quality management systems standard. It includes eight quality management principles on which the family of standards is based. ISO 9001 categorizes all requirements that companies looking to obtain the standard have to fulfill. Chiefly, however, the ISO 9001 certification relates to quality management systems, their use and incorporation within a quality assurance process at a given company. ISO 9001 helps organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders and helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality services.

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is a specification for the management of information security. The objective is to ensure that there are adequate confidentiality, integrity and availability controls in place to safeguard the information of clients, employees, trading partners and consumers. Information is now globally accepted as being a vital asset for most organizations. Therefore the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of corporate and customer information need to be adequately guarded and protected.



Translation Work Zone has its own dedicated efficiency model in place to improve our efficiency.  Our business is structured around our Total Efficiency Model; in short TEM. Our efficiency model has been widely acknowledged by our customers.

With Total Efficiency Model in place, every improvement in price charged from the client is a proportionate quantifiable & often measurable increase in quality and/or service. In simple words it means among other things that our pricing is not fixed arbitrarily but based on distinguishable standard of efficiency. So now for the first time there is a translation company that spins every dime and cent in motion. It sets a clear & transparent benchmark for quality and service in due proportion with fees.

With TEM in place, we can inform our clients of various levels of quality and service available at different price. This keeps expectations transparent and clients can choose suitably for different project in accordance with their varying requirements.

All our translators are evaluated for their performance on our TEM performance metrics for meeting quality standards & timelines on a point based grade system. These everyday practices confer us more efficiency and streamlines our cost & processes, improves customer service and enables our clients to save money & time. It improves ease & experience of working with us and results naturally in higher customer satisfaction.