Languages | Translation Workzone
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Sometimes Customer comes up looking for you. [10% Business]

Most other times You reach out to them. [90% Business]

Reaching out to them in their language effectively makes all the difference.

Placing an online order for language pair involving English

You can order your translation across more than 54 languages online which comprises all popular Asian, European, Indian and South American Languages. A sizable majority of projects are usually translated from English to another language or vice versa, so you can place your order for translation from English to another language or from another language to English directly on our website. You can also of course freely contact us on email or phone for specific requests or large projects or if you need our assistance or more assurance before placing your order.

Placing an order for language pair not involving English

If your project involves translation where neither source language nor destination language is English such as for instance Swedish to German or Spanish to French then please contact us on email for our best quote. If you already have a budget or best quote please include the same with your email to let us understand at first glance the budget you have for this project so that we can assist you more in line with your budget.
Email : [email protected]


A full time translator on an average translates 2000 words per day. It is usually best to hire a single translator for a certain document to maximize consistency. However if your project requirement is such that you require faster translations, you can split your project/ document into parts and we shall get them translated separately from different translators. If you need help in splitting, you can just email your document to us specifying your request.