Industry Expertise - Translation workzone
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Industry Expertise






Automotive & Aerospace


Medical & Pharmaceutical


Science & Engineering




Market Research




IT & Software


Advertising & Marketing


Travel & Hospitality

retail translation

Retail & Consumer Goods


General Documents


Governement Documents

e learning-translation

Training & E-learning

social sector translation

Social Sector Org / Not for Profits





No translator can translate all kind of documents. Different kind of documents and particularly those from different industries need relevant expertise. Just as an engineer cannot substitute for a doctor or an accountant, likewise a match of expertise is very important to deliver a translation that matches the standards of that industry.

Translators usually charge different fees for different expertise as  technical or complex content would involve more work time and application of specific expertise than say a general content. When you submit a project online, our system matches the industry of the document selected by you with translators expertise and returns only the results of those who match to ensure you receive a superior and relevant translation. 


General Corporate documents

Corporate documents of all kinds are safe with us, whether they’re reports, discussion guide, training, strategy, marketing or sales related. Confidentiality is paramount to corporates for sensitive data. We have a confidentiality clauses & agreement in place to protect the privacy of client data. Beside specific & stricter confidentiality clauses are chalked for highly sensitive content such as tenders, business agreements or any other highly sensitive document etc. as and when such a request is received from client. Corporate documents tend to require creative translation with emphasis on conveying the right import to target reader. They also need a touch of sophistication in choice of words without being literal and more formal than is necessary. We understand that and try to handle all translation request accordingly. Besides we try to understand the end use of translation and the target reader to enable us to use right choice of words while translation that would be easy to understand and adheres to all industry terminologies suitably in the localization process.

Financial Documents

We have a selected panel of translators for translation of financial documents to ensure that all financial terminologies are adhered suitably in localization process. Documents pertaining to Banking, Insurance, Stock Market need translators who not only are good translators of that language pair but also have wide expertise of handling financial content to give you hassle free ease and confidence of a translation that is truly impeccable and befits with highest standards of this industry.


Our translators working on legal documents are well versed with legal terminologies in their native language to be able to use appropriate terminologies and render the translation accurate and in accordance with legal protocol. We have a selected pool of translators specializing solely in legal translations.

Automotive & Aerospace

Automotive & Aerospace are large consumer oriented industries where they constantly need to interact with consumers about their latest products and offerings. The sales/ service/dealership employees need regular training. There is a huge variety of documents in this industry which need timely translation & localization. Effective, crisp & creative communication is extremely paramount to clients of this industry. We have therefore chalked a dedicated team of translators with wide expertise in automotive & aerospace industry to give your translation the same cutting edge accuracy that you offer to your customers and be a reliable partner in your success stories as you scale new heights.

Medical & Pharmaceutical

Medical documents require thorough handling exclusively by translators with diligent expertise and wide exposure to medical & pharmaceutical industry and its related terminologies. We have a team of translators specializing in medical translations to give our clients complete peace of mind and a prompt, hassle free translation that befits the high standards and norms of this industry.

Science & Engineering

We understand the complexity of communicating scientific concepts. The technical vocabulary & jargons of science, engineering, heavy industries, construction companies etc require careful skilled translation adhering the norms and jargons of these industries. We therefore employ translators with rich background in science and engineering translations to  ensure high quality and timely translations for our clients, most of whom tend to become our repeat customers.

There is no limit of range of documents related to this industry that we can translate. The list below in indicative and not exhaustive. So feel free to contact us for any content related to Science & Engineering.

  • Safety Manuals
  • Operating Manuals
  • Installation Manuals
  • Technical reports, drawings, proposals
  • Training materials
  • Design & construction plan
  • Architectural design, plans & agreements


Localization and globalization of websites is key for any business or organization to extend its reach to new geographical territories. We can help with it. Website translation requires apt & incisive choice of words to keep the translated content powerful, effective without compromising its essence & accuracy. Creativity in translation and ease of understanding is fairly critical. What is also important is the translation to be mindful of local culture and norms of that country. We ensure that. Please submit the website content in a MS Word or any other similar format file.  In case you don’t have the content ready in a separate file, you can also send us the website URL.

We can also  help in content writing & recreating your website design and provide a multi-lingual customer query management service. Please see services page for more details.

Market Research/ Survey Content

Market research is a rapidly growing industry. There are wide variety of consumer surveys, sample placement surveys, after sales service survey, online surveys, employee satisfaction poll, qualitative research and its group discussion guides to name a few among others. We provide verbatim response translations, questionnaire translations, translation of discussion guide & transcription services etc. Market research questionnaire translations require translation where questions have to be framed in simple & easy to understand manner. The scales and attributes tend to be pretty similar and have to be very distinct in translation to be able to elicit right response from respondent to maintain the sanctity and accuracy of the survey. Translation Work Zone has a dedicated team of translators to this end. If you wish to partner with us for a long haul for your language translations, we shall be able to meet your tight deadlines and budget effectively. We have worked with several top notch and mid-sized research companies and have a dedicated team of translators specializing in market research content.


We are happy to work with several translators with strong previous background in journalism & story writing. This gives us the edge to give our clients a translation that befits the standards of journalism and story reporting. We also work closely with content of TV/ Radio/ Film industry including translation of script & dialogues.

IT/ Software

IT / Software/ Gaming is fast paced growing industry. The clients seek  the same high precision for which the industry is a benchmark itself.  Our translators who have specific expertise in translating documents of this industry work according to specific needs of the projects and keep translations simple & accurate and the tone is in line with the established standards of the industry.

Advertising  & Marketing

Advertising & Marketing content needs a good sales pitch. They have to be crisp, creative and one that generates satisfactory sales lead & calls. We understand this and also work with translators with copywriting expertise to give you the twin edge of translation cum copywriting in your translated copy.

Travel & Hospitality

We translate Travel websites, Brochures, Itineraries, Planners keeping intact the excitement, warmth and hospitablity of the travel & hospitality industry .

Retail & Consumer Goods

Retail & Consumer goods industry is pretty dynamic and mass consumer based. Translations have to be simple, creative and impressive to draw the customers and drive sales. Our translators keep specific needs of clients in mind while undertaking the projects of the industry with due diligence.

Government  documents

Documents of all sorts belonging to public sector and Government departments are treated very sensitively by us. We understand the need of government organization effectively. Confidentiality of all these documents are highly guarded and monitored by our privacy & confidentiality policy. Beside specifi strict confidentiality clauses  with translators working on those project are enacted upon receiving such a request. While undertaking translation of these content, the tone is usually kept more formal than corporate documents as the government as an organizations tend to be more formal in its approach than private sector. High degree of sophistication and respecting and adhering all terminologies of government and public sectors are undertaken to ensure a document which befits the highest standards of quality and is totally in accordance with the language and tone as is the standard norm for government documents.  We work closely with several government bodies from time to time and have a specialized team of translators in all popular and widely used languages. All additional project specific requests by clients are acounted and adhered to.

E-learning, training

With surge in reach of internet globally and its ease thereof has created a huge growth in the online learning & training industry. Estimated at over 100 billion USD last year, E learning/ training industry is booming. There is an ever growing demand of a sizable part of this content to be localized. We understand the burgeoning needs of such content and use a panel of experts specializing with e learning / training industry expertise to deliver you just the right quality of translation at prompt timelines. We try to gain a clear insight of the nature of your target reader, their age group, grasping/ maturity level etc and keep the choice of words suitably whilst translating to deliver optimal quality for each such project.

Social Sector / Not-for-profits

Non-Governmental Organizations (not-for-profits) work closely with Government, International organizations, Corporates and public by & large. Their reports and documents need varying treatment while translating depending upon who they’re working with for that project and who would be the end user. Translators specializing on tone & terminology of government projects are hired for reports of nonprofits meant to be submitted to government body and likewise translators specializing in both social sector & corporate work for those documents which are primarily aimed at corporates. Sometimes additional certified translation requirements arise when dealing with government bodies etc. This is hardly a problem. We provide certification for all our translation in such a case.

Books & Academic

We work closely with several academic luminaries as school teachers and professors which gives us a competitive edge to deliver our clients incisive and accurate translation of all academic content by subject matter experts with professional training in translation. We also work with several freelance writers who have authored books themselves and write books, blogs, stories, articles etc and/ or translate them regularly.


Certificates require translation to be submitted to foreign universities and embassies or organizations and require not just translation but certified translation. Sometimes there are requirements of accredited translators only. We cater to all sort of certified translation. Our certified translations are usually well received d globally and if there is any specific requirement of accredited translators in any geographical region, we can provide you an effective solution too.